Saturday, February 4, 2023

Like a kid at a candy store

Who knew?  Certainly not I, about narrowing your searches using symbol operators to fine tune which keywords to have in my search like the - symbol to omit specific terms or + include specific keywords and doing this multiple times within a single search.  I feel like I have been doing my searches wrong this whole time!

I also just now been using the quotation (" ") marks to search whole phrases. I must have been living under a cave somewhere and now just 'like a kid at a candy store' I have lots of other tips and tricks to help me search better.  More candy please! 


  1. Sounds like 1.5.2 Online Searching Facts was quite eye-opening for you, Linette ^_^

    " " is helpful, have you tried other search operators such as + or - ?

  2. These shortcuts to find specific words on the web are facinating and time saving. I love narrowing down my searches which gives me more accurate information and articles/websites. My favorite is using quotation marks!

  3. There're quite a few keyboard shortcuts you should use like ctrl+f and alt tab. It's very convenient.

  4. It's great to hear that you've discovered symbol operators to refine your search queries. Using these symbols have helped me to narrow down search results and make searches more efficient. It's also helpful to use quotation marks when searching for specific phrases, as you mentioned.

  5. It can definitely be a new discovery to find out all the ways you can search using certain symbols to get a more specified result. I never knew myself I could use quotation marks to find direct quotes from the web, it is great to know this and will be implementing these tips and tricks when making my own searches.

  6. I too did not know that one could narrow or refine searches. Truly I never went beyond just typing what I was looking for. Advanced searches? I don't think I ever went to the drop down arrow. It is nice to know there are options that actually could make things easier.

  7. I have been using these features for years now and they have saved me plenty of time.

  8. Using a symbol is a good option for searching instead of typing like "What is ... ..." to search.

  9. I always forget that this is a feature as well! I probably should make use of this more often!

  10. My searches have become so refined that I can't imagine not using symbols now lol.

  11. The best Google search trick I use is to use "solved" after every question I have.
