Saturday, January 28, 2023

To infinity and beyond

I am sure everyone has thought of it one way or the other, but computing as we know it have come along way since the 80's. Everywhere you look around there are 'cloud' related stuff.  There are so many computer resources for any users even for a novice like me.  

Going online to search for the meaning of the word "Cloud computing" and I was bombarded with so many articles and sources.  I went to and gave me more trustworthy sources. Cloud computing from Wikipedia states that "The term cloud was used to refer to platforms for distributed computing". It is the same from other sources I have read, that it is done everything on the cloud. One article stated that "applications and files are hosted on a 'cloud' consisting of thousands of computers and servers, all linked together and accessible via the internet." 

Imagine! The transformation of computing as we know it. We really have come so far, going to infinity and beyond!!


  1. Good choice of cloud computing as a topic for the 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources.

    So you found the sources provided by to be more trustworthy, makes sense :-)

    Yes, computing (processing 1s & 0s) have certain come a long way. From vacuum tubes and hardware that take up rooms to microprocessors that made personal computers possible to evolutions in hardware that can fit in our pockets, now to distributing computer away from us so all we need is a reliable and secure internet connection to send the raw 1's & 0s then receive 1's & 0's in different combinations. Let's see where computing evolves to next!

    1. Computing is evolving rather fast, but of course they want it faster than tomorrow. ;-)

  2. I'm still wrapping my mind of how far we have come and still have yet to have gone. Cloud computing blows my mind and still I feel what we have available to us in the general public is light years to what is happening in the test labs today.

  3. The internet has so many options to choose from its crazy. I find the internet to be quite useful, we have made great strides in the technology world.

  4. I can't wait for the future of cloud data when it comes to transfer speeds and security! We are going to need some very efficient servers!

  5. Hello Linette, what was once considered science fiction could soon become reality. Microsoft has already started rolling out its Windows 365 service, which offers virtual personal computers running Windows 10 or 11. The service gives you access to a Windows cloud computer that works exactly like a physical one does. The virtual computer can be streamed to any device you choose, which promises to bring a revolution in cloud computing, if everything works as planned. The future is exciting if not full of surprises.

  6. Hi, Linette! Cloud computing has certainly revolutionized the way we access and use computing resources now. The transformation from the traditional computing methods of the 80s to the cloud-based services of today has made it easier for people of all levels of expertise to access a vast array of computer resources, including myself! :)

  7. I just knew that WIKIPEDIA was a non-academic primary from your blog. HaHa

  8. Hello Linette, I am also at a loss for words on how far technology has came. After watching some of the few videos on the origin of computers from Test Out, I was amazed by the magnitude of revolution the computing field has took, computers used to take up entire rooms with so little computing power compared to the lap tops we use nowadays that can fit in our backpacks and have million times more capability than computers made in the 1950s. To infinity and beyond indeed.

  9. Nice to meet you, Linette. Reading this I couldn't help but laugh as my dad grew up in the 80s and 90s and would tell me how lucky I am to have the computers of today. He remembers thinking he was cool for having a 80mb floppy disc, as that was big back in the 90s.

  10. Hey Linette, I really appreciate you taking the time to have posted those articles for us to read. Sometimes I cannot believe and I'm sure I'll never really fully understand the impact that cloud computing has had in our society. It's INSANE!

  11. One of my friend who sales softwares and applications worldwide said that cloud computing is the most hot thing right now. It will also be not losing its use and important for more years to come.

  12. its honestly so crazy how evolved everything is now. It also makes everything so much easier because if it wasnt for iCloud i would be locked out of everything for not remembering my passwords lol
