Saturday, January 21, 2023

Stuck in an unfulfilling job

I have been unhappy with my current job and want to jump into a different field...cyber security.  And now, I am trying to fill the gap that has been missing from my day to day life of a maintenance technician.  Although I am currently a Maintenance Director, I am still looking to better my life circumstances. Hence, applying to college.

I must be getting burnout with maintenance that I am seeking a better way to make a living since time is not on my side, yes I am getting old ;-) but it will not deter me from achieving my goals.

Everything is new to me but I do like the challenge.  IS101 class is actually an easy class so far, being it be my first day at CSN ever.  My instructor is great at helping us and wants us to succeed.

Here's to hoping I can make it through!


  1. Glad to hear you find me great at helping you and wanting you to succeed!

    May you succeed in your career change into information technology cybersecurity :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3003, Spring 2023, Linette ^_^

  2. Congratulations on following what you want to do. I know you're going to do great!

  3. I admire your bravery in going back to school and starting fresh. My father did the same thing in 2004 and life has been much better since.

  4. Linette! I totally understand. I have to have a boring job so that I will have a stable income. It pays my bills and helps me to do projects that i like once in a while. I am self studying U.X. designing in my free time and wish to utilize it in more meaningful projects. This will pass, we will be working in things that we are passionate about but I won't promise if we will not have burnout time to time. :P

  5. I see your unfulfilled heart and on your job and life. And most importantly, you do step out the comfort zone for improving life it. Your spirit is advisable.

  6. Being a manger is always a stressful and intense job. I hope you find your new career choice more suitable for you.

  7. Hello Linette, it is very nice to meet you. I can understand the frustration of having a job that's not fulfilling or satisfying enough. I think from the description of your current position as a mechanic director you're a hard worker and seem to push yourself to the best of your ability. I hope you can find the right major while you're at CSN and find inspiration to acquire your dream job that you can someday be fulfilled and happy with. It is great to have you as a classmate.

  8. Cybersecurity is so cool! I admire you for finding your passion and venturing our of your current career. I know you're going to do an awesome job in any field you wish. :)

  9. I too, understand the need to find a different career, feeling burnt out and wanting something different. Age is but a number and should not deter anyone from wanting to change and or improve their current situation in life. Good luck to you!

  10. Same! I'm also looking for major career shift! Good luck on your journey!

  11. I finally just recently found a new job that merged that gap. I'm making good money working for a marketing company. Don't give up you will find your path and where you fit in.

  12. Linette!!! WOW Can I just say that I can relate with you 100000%!!! After I graduated from High School, I was in the maintenance field for eight years. I know it's probably not as much as you, but I also grew tired of it. I felt like I was missing something. I felt like I need a change in my life as well. And so, I made the change. I work in a law firm, and it has been the best decision that I have made career wise. So much so that instead of wanting to major in engineering like I had originally planned, now I'm majoring in Paralegal Studies! Make that change!

  13. Hey Linette! I love how you woke up and decided that what you were doing wasn't making you happy and you are changing it. Most people are so settled and comfortable doing things even when not happy just because they've been doing it for so long. Everything will work out for you!
