Monday, March 6, 2023

Read the directions closely

I thought that I was well-prepared!  

I experience some level of anxiety before any test, it never fails.  I'm the worst!  When it comes to test taking, even if I studied well and know the material, I feel some stress and I know it interferes with my performance on tests.

I can tell you this, while taking your test if you go blank, skip and go to the next one.  Read the test directions closely- when you first receive the test, take a moment to read over the directions.  I did not read it and fumbled during the tests. Don't be like me! 😁

Oh and remember to breathe!


  1. Besides knowing the material, reading EVERYTHING is key and not looking for key or bold words. Like they say, the devil is in the details!

  2. "Read the directions closely" :-)

    "...if you go blank, skip and go to the next one."

    "...remember to breathe!"

    You are a wealth of sage advice ^_^

  3. As a horrible test-taker, thank you for your helpful tips! I tend to stress out and blank out, so remembering to breathe is a simple, yet effective approach to continue. :)

  4. It's a good advise for others and oneself. we can't escape from anxiety, just make mistakes and make them impressive.

  5. Skipping the questions which I find hard or difficult is something I like to do, why miss questions you may already know by staying stuck on one. Thanks for your advise on reading the questions carefully!

  6. Yeah I feel this one... While I was in the Navy, I was a master of having "attention to detail," but now? I feel like i've tried to reintegrate to society so hard that i've forgotten that key concept that was so heavily drilled into me. It's been frustrating you know? Especially in this class! I keep missing things because I skim, or don't fully pay attention to whatever it is that I'm doing, and it is aggravating to see that.

  7. It's true. If you don't remember any information about a certain section, just go to the next one. There might be even information about the pervious section that you can use.

  8. Great advice, I often get caught up on the small details of the question but whenever I notice that I'm doing that I just skip and move on!
