Saturday, January 28, 2023

To infinity and beyond

I am sure everyone has thought of it one way or the other, but computing as we know it have come along way since the 80's. Everywhere you look around there are 'cloud' related stuff.  There are so many computer resources for any users even for a novice like me.  

Going online to search for the meaning of the word "Cloud computing" and I was bombarded with so many articles and sources.  I went to and gave me more trustworthy sources. Cloud computing from Wikipedia states that "The term cloud was used to refer to platforms for distributed computing". It is the same from other sources I have read, that it is done everything on the cloud. One article stated that "applications and files are hosted on a 'cloud' consisting of thousands of computers and servers, all linked together and accessible via the internet." 

Imagine! The transformation of computing as we know it. We really have come so far, going to infinity and beyond!!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Stuck in an unfulfilling job

I have been unhappy with my current job and want to jump into a different field...cyber security.  And now, I am trying to fill the gap that has been missing from my day to day life of a maintenance technician.  Although I am currently a Maintenance Director, I am still looking to better my life circumstances. Hence, applying to college.

I must be getting burnout with maintenance that I am seeking a better way to make a living since time is not on my side, yes I am getting old ;-) but it will not deter me from achieving my goals.

Everything is new to me but I do like the challenge.  IS101 class is actually an easy class so far, being it be my first day at CSN ever.  My instructor is great at helping us and wants us to succeed.

Here's to hoping I can make it through!