Monday, May 15, 2023

Grateful for IS101-3003: A Journey of Learning

As I reach the end of IS101-3003, a wave of gratitude washes over me. This class has been an incredible journey, and I'm forever thankful for all that I have learned.

From the very first day, when I nervously walked into the classroom, I had no idea what to expect. But now, as I reflect on the experience, I realize how much I've grown and how valuable the knowledge gained truly is.

The guidance and expertise of our instructor Mr. Wu have been invaluable. He shared his passion for the subject and inspired us to explore beyond the textbook. His patience, support, and dedication have made this learning journey all the more enriching.

But it's not just the classroom experience that I'm grateful for; it's also the connections I've made with my classmates. We've navigated the highs and lows of the course together, cheering each other on and offering a helping hand when needed.

As I bid farewell to IS101-3003, I carry with me a sense of accomplishment and newfound knowledge. The lessons learned and the skills acquired will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors.

So, to IS101-3003 and everyone who made this experience possible, I express my deepest gratitude. Thank you for providing a platform for exploration, for pushing me beyond my limits, and for instilling in me a lifelong love of learning. I will forever be grateful for the invaluable lessons learned in this class.

As I embark on a new adventures, armed with the knowledge and skills gained from IS101-3003, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. The journey may have come to an end, but the impact of this class will stay with me forever.

Thank you, IS101-3003, for shaping my mind, expanding my horizons, and making me a better version of myself.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Last-minute Assignment Fiesta

Hey there, fellow procrastinators and champions of last-minute productivity!

Today, we're diving headfirst into the chaotic and exhilarating world of doing more assignments on the very last day of class. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a wild ride!

Picture this: It's the final day of class, and while most students are basking in the euphoria of impending freedom, we're staring at a mountain of assignments like it's Mount Everest. But fear not, my friends, for we are the brave souls who thrive under pressure!

As the clock ticks away, we unleash our superhuman abilities. We develop the agility of a ninja, swiftly switching between research tabs and Word documents. Our typing speed reaches new heights as we become one with the keyboard, our fingers dancing like a skilled pianist on a mission.

Every classroom turns into a war zone, with students frantically exchanging answers like secret agents passing confidential documents. Desperate pleas for help echo through the hallways, forming a symphony of academic desperation. It's like a scene straight out of a thrilling action movie, but with textbooks instead of guns.

The camaraderie among the last-minute assignment warriors is unparalleled. We bond over our shared anguish, cracking jokes to lighten the mood amidst the chaos. We become masters of multi-tasking, juggling assignments like a circus performer with dozen flaming torches (minus the actual flames, of course).

As we race against time, strange things start happening, energy drinks are consumed in alarming quantities, transforming us into hyper-caffeinated superheroes. Coffee shops turn into bustling command centers, where the aroma of espresso fuels our determination. We're unstoppable, fueled by equal parts adrenaline and caffeine.

And then, as the clock strikes midnight, we emerge from the battlefield victorious. We've conquered the impossible, defied the odds, and completed more assignments in one day than we thought humanly possible. The feeling of accomplishment washes over us, drowning the exhaustion and the slight regret of not starting earlier.

Sure, it may not be the ideal way to approach our academic responsibilities, but it's our unique brand of chaos. We thrive in the eleventh hour, when panic becomes a powerful motivator. So, to all my fellow procrastinators, raise you pencils/pen and toast to the last-minute assignment fiesta. May we forever defy deadlines and embrace the exhilarating madness of the final day!

Remember, my friends, in the realm of last-minute assignments, we are the true warriors, the fearless adventurers. And when the dust settles, we can finally relax, knowing that we've given it our all (in the shortest amount of time possible)

Until next time, keep procrastinating, keep cramming, and keep those pencils sharp. The last-minute assignment fiesta awaits!

Disclaimer: This blog is meant for humor purposes only. Please manage your time wisely and avoid procrastination whenever possible. Your future self will thank you.

Monday, May 8, 2023

"The Last-minute MO-300 Marathon: Cramming like a Procrastination Pro!"

Studying for the MO-300 PowerPoint exam has been a challenging experience, especially during the last week of the semester. As the semester is almost over, I have found myself cramming to catch up on every LabSim work and assignments, not just for IS 101 but also for my other 2 classes that I took on alongside IS101 class. Despite the workload, I remain motivated to succeed and determined to pass the exam. I have been dedicating whatever hours I can to studying the course material and completing the remaining LabSim work. Let's not talk about blogging! I have to catch up on commenting too. ^_^

While it has been a demanding experience, I know that my hard work and effort will pay off in the end, and I am looking forward to achieving my goals.

Here's to acing the MO-300 exam and finishing the semester on a high note!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Protecting your Online Image: To Hire or Not to Hire

I was reading an article by Denitsa Tsekova, Yahoo Money, about "Survey highlights a key consideration before applying for your next job". It talked about reputation management companies that you can hire (if you have the means). They specializes in monitoring, analyzing, and addressing online content related to their clients. The article spoke about employers checking their potential hires' social media presence. There are companies that removes negative online search results about you. Yes! it's on demand.

Seven in 10 employers check potential hires’ social media presence, according to a CareerBuilder survey from last year.

Now the question is, do you erase your online footprint entirely or just polish it? In today's digital age, your online presence has become equivalent to your resume. "Online screening is skyrocketing."

Having a killer resume and cover letter is no longer sufficient to secure your dream job. Despite the challenge, candidates/applicants should not be discouraged and instead focus on presenting an honest and comprehensive overview of their skills and abilities when applying for a job.

“Companies are not searching social media looking to hire people,” Lee said. “They're searching social media to verify the backgrounds of people who they've already found.”

Source:  Accessed 05/02/23